
Storytelling doesn’t have to be long

The best customer storytelling isn’t long or complex.

Quite the opposite.

The word ‘customer story’ is often associated with a lengthy case study or piece of content.

But stories can be as quick as:

💥 A success outcome mentioned during a product webinar:

“Customer X started using this feature as part of our early access program and they’ve already noticed a 20% lift in engagement”

💥 A quick testimonial and success metric shared during a sales call:

“Customer Y was experiencing the same challenge you are, but after 6 months using our platform they’ve seen a 30% lift in their conversion rates”

💥 A short anecdote shared during a product demo:

“Some of our best customer use this feature to do X and see an average of Y% increase in Z.”

In fact, from one customer case study, you can pull multiple bite-sized stories you can work into email cadences, landing pages, sales talk tracks, etc.

You can also capture quick stories from everyday conversations with customers or members of your revenue team.

At Klue, Suman Melville is constantly capturing customer stories. Some make their way into longer pieces of content, but all of them are captured in Klue and broken into bite-sized stories everyone can tell.

We also have a deck full of customer stories and social proof slides, broken down by theme, that reps can insert into presentations or download as images to include in emails.

Every time I open that deck, there's always someone from our revenue team in there.

My point?

Customer stories don't need to be long.

In fact, the more concise and easier to tell they are, the better.

What do you think?