
How to run your LinkedIn takeover on launch day

How do you get employees to talk about your launch on LinkedIn?

Here’s a playbook that worked at my previous companies 👇

The right strategy can make it feel like your launch announcement is everywhere. But many companies drop a generic post on their corporate account and call it a day.

Try this instead 👇


1️⃣ Messaging

Focus on your single most important segment and persona.

Create your messaging by answering these questions:

  • What is the product or feature called?
  • Who is it for?
  • What problem is it solving?
  • How does it work?
  • How does it solve the problem?
  • How is it better than other alternatives?
  • What value does it create for our buyer?

2️⃣ Draft your personal LinkedIn Post

Lead by example and draft your own post first.

It's helps to iron out your messaging, which creates guardrails for everyone else.

3️⃣ Determine the best way to show your product

I’ve studied over 100 launch posts and the best include:

  • Gifs or videos instead of static images
  • Don’t rely on audio, have the visual speak for itself
  • Focus on the aha moment
  • 30-60 seconds in length

4️⃣ Find your influencers

You likely have employees with large followings across your target audience. Your CEO is an obvious one!

Get them on board early and ready for launch day.


Pull your ingredients together into a simple guide, including:

5️⃣ The Story

Package up your messaging to help stakeholders tell a compelling story. Include a max 100-word summary description.

6️⃣ Example Post(s)

Include your draft so people have inspiration.

Shoot to include 1-2 other examples.

Tell employees to use them as inspiration, not to copy verbatim. LinkedIn rewards original posts, and punishes copying.

7️⃣ Instructions on how they can help

Tell stakeholders exactly what you need from them, including:

  • Which posts to engage with and when
  • A direct ask for them to post
  • Where they can find examples and graphics
  • What CTA to share in the comments


8️⃣ The day before

Send an internal Slack reminder with clear instructions.

Send a 15-minute calendar invite to make sure everyone engages at the ideal time.

9️⃣ Launch Day

As posts go live, update your guide with live links.

Drop a message in Slack letting everyone know it’s GO TIME.

Stay on your top influencers to make sure they post.

Set the tone and engage with every post you see. If you’re not doing it, how can you expect anyone else to.


🔟 Measure your results

Monitor traffic and conversions from LinkedIn on your product landing page, blog post, etc.

Ask your top influencers for their post metrics.

These are largely vanity metrics, but can help you learn what works.

1️⃣1️⃣ Capture what you learned

Note interesting things you see when analyzing your metrics or watching post engagement. Include those learnings in your post mortem so you can improve on the next launch.

That’s it, a practical social strategy you can apply to your next launch.

What do you think?

#productmarketing #launch #productivity