Helping sales is positioning and messaging

Helping sales is positioning and messaging

Published Date
October 4, 2023
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Sep 14, 2023 7:04 PM

I get that sales can be needy.

That as PMMs, we don’t want to spend all our time sitting in sales calls, responding to ad hoc questions, or creating collateral.

But hear me out…

At some point, you have an initial hypothesis around segmentation, positioning, messaging, and pricing and you need to get that stuff out there.

If you have a sales team, that’s a BIG part of how you do it. They’re having hundreds, maybe thousands of conversations every week where your strategy is put to the test.

Do you really want things to get lost in translation?

Of course, your goal should be to find the most efficient way to enable sales, but that enablement NEEDS to happen. Otherwise it’s all for nothing. Your top and middle of the funnel will hit, and the bottom will flop.

So, when you’re feeling the pressure from sales. Take that as a sign that they do not understand your go-to-market strategy as well as you do. You may not be on the hook to solve it alone. Sales leadership and sales enablement exist for that reason as well. But it is a problem you need to get fixed.

#productmarketing #salesenablement