Adding things to my swipe file from mobile

Adding things to my swipe file from mobile

At least half of the things I add to my swipe file…

are done on my phone 📱

Here’s how easy it is 👇

But first, what is a Swipe File?

Put simply, it’s a collection of examples and articles that you can reference later when you’re looking for inspiration.

In this case, my swipe file has product marketing examples, articles, frameworks, etc. that help me work faster because I never have to start from scratch.

I build my swipe file in Notion, which is great because it already has a number of built in tools that make it easy to add things from my browser and phone.

Once I’ve downloaded the Notion app on my phone, I can use the native sharing functionality to send web pages and pictures to my swipe file database.

Now, if I spot a cool product marketing example when I’m killing time on my phone, I can quickly add it to my file.

Easy peasy.

Looking to build your own Swipe File? Grab a link to my free template in the comments 👇


Click here to copy my free swipe file template →

It already have over 1000 pieces of PMM inspiration already added.