Craft strong messaging with value nuggets

Craft strong messaging with value nuggets

Aug 25, 2022 11:04 AM

James Doman-Pipe

Last Updated
November 28, 2021
Finished (With Notes)

This is a great article written by James Doman-Pipe that outlines a simple framework for writing value prop messaging. He calls them "value nuggets."

  • Value theme: keep it short, like a word or phrase
  • Value statement: some prescribed phrasing to use every time
  • Value bullets: combine benefits and features into single sentences (like ‘[benefit] with [feature]’) – you’ll have multiple value bullets
  • A list of associated features and proof points

In practice:

Move down by asking ‘how’:

  • We help our clients hire the right candidates, faster (value)
  • How? Clients can ensure candidates are a good cultural fit and have the right skills and attitude required for the role (benefit)
  • How? Through our psychometric interview and report process (feature)
  • How? Our customers see a 50% increase in employee performance (proof point)

Move up, asking ‘why’:

  • Our customers see a 50% increase in employee performance with our product (proof point)
  • Why? By using our psychometric interview and report process (feature)
  • Why? To ensure candidates are a good cultural fit and have the right skills and attitude required for the role (benefit)
  • Why? So our clients can hire the right candidates, faster (value)

Using value nuggets across the org:

In marketing, make sure you're using the appropriate messaging for your intended audience, for example:

  • Execs → value
  • Champions → benefits
  • Evaluators → features

In sales, train reps to:

  • get enough information from the prospect, and agree on the value they want to achieve
  • enable the rep to tailor the response using the value nugget, make it clear how it is achieved, and persuade with proof

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