
13 Ways to Write a Magnetic Headline

Aug 25, 2022 11:04 AM

Alex Garcia

Last Updated
June 7, 2021
Finished (No Notes)

13 Tips and Examples

  1. Use numbers or data - ex. 7 Copywriting Tips to Turn Scanners Into Readers
  2. Use a value-driven rationale - ex. 9 Uncovered Secrets to Boost Your Site's SEO
  3. Rhyme - ex. Delightfully Capable. Surprisingly Affordable.
  4. Use alliteration - ex. Don't Dream It. Drive It.
  5. Avoid sound smart adjectives - ex. 7 efficacious persuasive copywriting tips
  6. Offer a test - ex. Does your site pass the SEO test?
  7. Drop a hint - ex. This Instagram Ad Secret Dropped Conversation Rates by 20%
  8. Share your experience - ex. What I Learned About Going Viral After Writing 5 Twitter Threads
  9. First 3 words. And last 3 words. - ex. 7 Facebook Ads That I Used To Increase Sales
  10. Get to the point - ex. Better soles. Stronger feet.
  11. Use open-ended questions - ex. Is it a good idea to invest in Bitcoin?
  12. Use close-ended questions - ex. Did you invest in Bitcoin too late?
  13. Problem. Solution. ex. Your sales page doesn't convert. Here's how to fix that.