
You’re not alone

Published Date
August 7, 2023
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Building a product marketing function can be a lonely endeavour.

Especially when your boss doesn’t understand the role.

You wonder, should it be this hard? Or am I bad at my job?

Know that you are not alone.

Every PMM has struggled with:

→ Imposter syndrome

→ Getting hammered with requests

→ People not understanding or appreciating what you do

→ A flopped product launch (most feel like a mess at some point)

→ Not being able to measure your impact

→ Working with sales

→ Working with product

→ Not being technical enough (or being too technical)

→ Not writing copy well enough

The list goes on…

This post is not meant to share advice on how to overcome these things. Chances are you already have the skills and knowledge to do that yourself.

But if I’ve learned anything in my time as a PMM and coaching other PMMs, it’s that sometimes just acknowledging the struggle and knowing it’s normal (and common) is help enough.

Keep your head up.

What am I missing in the list above? What have you struggled with as a PMM?

#productmarketing #foundingpmm