Win-loss Executive Summary Template

Win-loss Executive Summary Template

If you’re conducting win-loss interviews but not presenting an exec summary back to your leadership, you’re missing a major step.

Use this template to get a seat at the table 👇

If you’re running win-loss interviews in-house today, you’re likely capturing notes in a document and keeping them in a Google Drive folder.

But are you taking the time to:

  • Summarize the data
  • Pull out valuable themes and insights
  • Present an executive summary back to leadership

For many product marketers, this is a common missed step.

It may be that you’re just not sure what to present.

After all, there isn’t a clear playbook on how to structure these readouts.

Or that pulling this presentation together takes a lot of time.

Time you don’t have because you’re a product marketer and you’re busy doing a million other things.

The reality is that your win-loss program is only going to impact your business if you can get the insights into the hands of the people who need them.

It's also one way to get you in front of your executive leadership team, sharing strategic value from real buyer conversations.

Luckily, Klue's got your back. We partnered with our new team members from

DoubleCheck Research to create an Exec Summary Template for your Win-Loss Analysis.

It’s a best-practice template for building your own win-loss summary, including key areas like:

  • Win Reasons
  • Loss Reasons
  • Business Drivers
  • Selection Criteria
  • Product
  • Pricing
  • Sales Experience
  • Competition

It also includes some handy templates for creating graphs and charts you can use to present your data. 📈📊

Grab the free template in the comments and start influencing executive leadership with your win-loss program👇

#productmarketing #competitiveenablement #competitiveintelligence #winloss




• Copy the free template, here 👉