When you’re asked for things, just be clear when you plan on doing it

When you’re asked for things, just be clear when you plan on doing it

Published Date
June 18, 2024
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Jun 11, 2024 3:25 PM

Some advice when it comes to managing up

When you say you’ll do something

Be clear about when you plan to work on it

People have this tendency to think their request is the most pressing matter. And often forget that your also have other things on your plate.

So they’ll start getting antsy after a day or two if they don’t get an update.

But if you simply tell them when you plan to work on something, they’ll be less anxious and give you space.

So, for example, you could say “Happy to help with that, Jen. I’m busy this week on this launch, but I should be able to start working on it next Wednesday.”

You’d be surprised how much more breathing room people will give you when you give clear expectations.

Give it a try.