When positioning, messaging, and copywriting line up and catch fire πŸ”₯

When positioning, messaging, and copywriting line up and catch fire πŸ”₯

Published Date
January 31, 2024
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When positioning, messaging, and copywriting line up and catch fire πŸ”₯

Check out this example from Wealthsimple πŸ‘‡

🎯 Positioning

The anti-Wall Street. Wealthsimple is a simpler, less confusing alternative than traditional financial institutions.

πŸ—―οΈ Messaging

Where traditional banks and financial institutions have capitalized on confusing customers, Wealthsimple is educating and empowering them.

✍️ Copywriting

(Cross out the jargon.) Time in the market beats timing the market. Keep it simple.

Big shout out to Aubrey Chapnick who spotted this awesome example in a Toronto subway station.



PS. If you want more examples like this, click the β€œVisit my website” link above πŸ‘†