What can a prospect say that let’s you know you’re going to close the deal?

What can a prospect say that let’s you know you’re going to close the deal?

Published Date
May 13, 2024
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May 7, 2024 4:01 PM

Here’s one research question every PMM should start asking sales reps.

“What can a prospect say that let’s you know you’re going to close a deal?”

Jessica Iocca, MBA

shared this with me recently and I thought it was awesome for a few reasons:

1️⃣ It helps you find your best-fit customers. Demographics are important, but this type of question can help you learn about more of the situational things that make buyers an ideal candidate for your product.

2️⃣ It gets to the root of the problem. Your best prospects will often describe their problem or pain in specific ways.

3️⃣ The best messaging comes directly from customers. This type of question helps you find soundbites of customers describing your value in their own words.

Of course, this doesn't replace actually talking to these customers ourselves. But that's not always possible for a number of reasons.

Try this question with one of your experienced sales reps and see what you learn.

