Top 5 PMM Coach

Top 5 PMM Coach

Published Date
February 9, 2024
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Feb 9, 2024 1:44 AM

For most founding PMMs, it’s a lonely role.

Expectations are high. Focus and direction are non-existent.

Frankly, it’s a challenging role to coach.

And that’s why I’ve made it my niche.

I love working with founding PMMs.

I’ve been in their shoes multiple times.

I love the variety.

Helping people get clarity on their priorities.

Round out their skills.

Figure things out for the first time.

Build their confidence.

Grow their careers.

Sure, there I some things I enjoy more than others.

Things I’m better at too.

But I’m genuinely curious about all of it.

It’s that curiosity that led me to start a coaching practice focused on founding PMMs.

And a newsletter curating my favorite examples across all areas of product marketing.

So when Richard King let me know I was named one of the top 5 Product Marketing Coaches on 2024, I was pumped!

A big thanks to the Product Marketing Alliance for including me in this list and helping connect PMMs with the best coaches and consultants in the game.

#productmarketing #foundingpmm #coaching

PS. If you’re a founding PMM looking to build your confidence, make an impact, and level-up your career, get in touch. I still have a few open spots available.