
The power of templates in the PMM Productivity Hub

Published Date
January 15, 2023
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Created time
Jan 14, 2023 6:45 PM

Ever feel like you’re starting each new release campaign from scratch?

Here’s a look at how easy it is to spin up a new campaign in the PMM Productivity Hub.

And it’s just one of the many templates included.

I’ve been sharing the Hub with some early users and so far, everyone is most excited about how templates like this can be spun up in seconds and incorporated into their workflow.

After all, there are a million and one templates out there. I can find 10 product launch templates in 5 minutes with a simple Google search.

But there’s a difference between having a number of scattered templates vs actually working them into a system you can use to manage your projects.

That’s the purpose of the PMM Productivity Hub.

To bring together frameworks, templates, and resources you need as a PMM and put them at your fingertips whenever you need to kick off a new project.

Plus it’s all in a system meant to help you stay productive.

What’s that means for you?

🛑  Less time staring at a blank page

🟢. More time executing on a clear plan

🛑  Less time managing projects

🟢  More time shipping great work

🛑  Less time stressing

🟢. More time enjoying life

Click the link below to learn more and join the waitlist 👇

#productmarketing #marketing #productivity

