The average week, if not day, of a founding PMM

The average week, if not day, of a founding PMM

Published Date
January 30, 2024
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Created time
Jan 24, 2024 1:46 AM

The average week, if not day, of a founding PMM.

I know what I’m doing

I have no idea what I’m doing

This makes sense

This makes zero sense

I’ve done this dozens of times

I’ve never done this before

That went great

That was awful

I feel good about this

I couldn’t feel worse

The nature of the role is that you wear a dozen different hats.

And you probably have experience wearing maybe half of them.

Accept the fact that you’re not going to know everything.

You’ll be a master at some things, okay at others, and a beginner at the rest.

Own your strengths and your weaknesses. So when it comes time to make your first hire, you’ll know exactly what skills to look for.

For now, ask for help when you need it and give yourself a break.

#productmarketing #foundingpmm