
The all-in-one differentiator

Published Date
August 23, 2023
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Created time
Aug 21, 2023 10:18 AM

“All-in-one-platform” is a bad differentiator 🤔

I think it all depends on the context.

I found the way Click Funnels uses it to be pretty compelling.

First, it’s important to call out WHO they are targeting.

Entrepreneurs looking to start an online business. Small business owners.

They don’t have a “marketing ops” or “revenue ops” person to manage multiple tools and integrate them.

When they see the image below (grabbed from a Click Funnels ad on instagram), the left side looks way too confusing.

I like how they call it the “DIY Route.”

For entrepreneurs creating their first online business, the mess on the left seems overwhelming. Click Funnels, in contrast, seems simple.

They make it easy and say ‘do it all in our platform’.

Sure, Click Funnels may lack some features compared to other point solutions. But for their target customer, the simplicity is more important.

Check out the video in the comments and let me know what you think.

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