Talk to sales and product leaders before accepting a founding PMM role

Talk to sales and product leaders before accepting a founding PMM role

Published Date
March 11, 2024
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Mar 11, 2024 1:09 PM

To anyone currently applying for a founding PMM role

Speak to the sales and product leaders before accepting

Do they:

  • Seem excited to work with you?
  • Appear to value marketing within the org?
  • Understand what product marketing is/does?
  • Seem like someone you’ll enjoy working with?
  • Sound open to ideas, feedback, etc.
  • Feel like a potential partner who’ll have your back?

There isn’t a hard and fast checklist here.

My main point is that before you jump into a founding PMM role, make sure you have counterparts you can actually work with.

Even if your founder understands the importance of product marketing, it can be a real uphill battle if sales and product don’t. Not to say you won’t have to build credibility or strong relationships with these teams. You most certainly will, and can.

It’s just a lot easier when the leaders of those teams are eager and ready to welcome you to the table.

At the very least, you’ll know what you’re getting into.

#productmarketing #foundingpmm