
Take me through the last time you did X?

Conducting customer or buyer interviews?

Here’s a tip from Rob Fitzpatrick’s, ‘The Mom Test Book

Instead of saying: 🔴 “How are you doing X today?”


🟢 “Talk me through the last time that happened”

Whenever possible you want to be shown, not told, by your customers. Watching someone do a task will show you where the problems and inefficiencies really are, not where the customer thinks they are.

Here are two more questions worth adding:

🟢 Who else should I talk to?

End every conversation like this. Most people are happy to help you find your next lead.

🟢 Is there anything else I should have asked?

Give them a chance to politely "fix" your line of questioning. They usually will. People want to help you. And it often leads to some of the best insights.

#productmarketing #pmm #tips