
Product Marketers are not copywriters


I have mad respect for great copywriters.

It’s one of the skills I’m constantly working on.

But let’s be clear — product marketers are not copywriters.

Or at least they shouldn’t have to be.

Contrary to what seems like popular belief in many companies, a product marketer should not be the only person responsible for creating compelling copy.

It should not be how their skills are measured.

So for any PMMs reading this.

Don’t worry about nailing the perfect tagline.

Your goal is to be clearly understood.

Focus on clear positioning and explaining why customers buy your product.

Then use the people and resources around you to perfect the copy.

But if you find yourself in the situation where you need to do it all, here’s what I've learned:

  • Prioritize clear positioning and messaging first
  • Be specific
  • Focus on being understood
  • Write like you talk
  • Avoid buzzwords
  • Use the Hemingway App (Google it) or (insert AI tool) to help you workshop your copy

And follow smart copywriters that you can learn from and see how they write.

Some of my favorites are:

Emma Stratton 👊

🇺🇦 Eddie Shleyner

Neville Medhora

Kristin Lajeunesse

Nicolas Cole 🚢🏴‍☠️

Harry Dry

Christopher M. Gillespie

If I missed anyone or anything, let me know below 👇

#productmarketing #messaging #copywriting