PMM Files Video

PMM Files Video

Published Date
October 12, 2023
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Welcome to the fourth video edition of PMM Files 🗂️

Three cool product marketing examples in roughly 3 mins ⏱️

Let’s go!

In this episode:


37 SIgnals is picking a fight with SaaS. They just announced Once, a new line of software products that you'll pay for once and own forever.


Ali Abdaal rethinks the traditional “Buy Now” button with “Press B anytime to Buy 😉”CHh


Fathom proves that sometimes, people buy your product for what it DOESN’T have.


Want to get five product marketing examples like this in your inbox each week?

Click the link in my bio 👉 Jason Oakley


A big thanks to The Compete Network powered by Klue for helping me produce this 🙌

See you on the next one!

#productmarketing #examples