Navattic’s Buyer Centric Report

Navattic’s Buyer Centric Report

Published Date
May 31, 2024
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Created time
May 30, 2024 12:29 AM

Remember how it felt walking into Footlocker, looking for back-to-school shoes?

NOBODY feels that way about buying B2B software.

And why would you?

A large portion of B2B SaaS companies:

😡 Don’t let you see or experience the product on their website

😡 Don’t tell you pricing on their website

😡 And take forever to respond to your demo request

But the good news is, when you look at the bigger picture, things may actually be getting better.

Over the past two years, Navattic and Chili Piper have gathered a ton of data around the current state of the B2B buying experience.

They just launched the 2024 edition of their B2B Buyer First Best Practices Report and a few results surprised me:

📈 Almost double the number of companies included an interactive demo on their website, compared to last year (17% vs 31%).

📈 80% of demo requests were responded to either the same day or within 1 business day. A huge improvement from last year’s average of 2 business days and 35% not responding at all.

📈 68% of companies had a pricing page on their website compared to only 57% in 2023.

To me, this data shows that more companies are starting to think about aligning their sales process with how people actually want to buy.

⚡️ It could be that they see it improves conversions

⚡️ It could be that it helps scale their sales approach

⚡️ It could be that it leads to happier customers

My bet is that it's a combo of all three.

If you’re interested in checking out the rest of this report, grab it here →