Lightning Lesson Promo

Lightning Lesson Promo

Published Date
May 13, 2024
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Created time
May 8, 2024 12:01 AM

Ever wonder why some launches go viral while others fall flat?

We’re hosting a FREE 30-min deep dive on this topic as part of Maven’s Lightning Lessons series.

Together, Andy, Tamara and I have studied hundreds of launches to try and find out what sets the winners apart from the rest.

In this short lesson we'll share our approach and show you how to apply winning strategies to your next product launch.

You’ll learn:

1️⃣ How to spot a great launch in the wild

2️⃣ How to breakdown the key components of a product launch

3️⃣ How to reverse engineer your favorite launch strategies

Join LIVE on Monday, June 3 at 1PM ET!

RSVP here (it’s free) →

Hope to see you there!

#productmarketing #productlaunch