Laudable Examples

Laudable Examples

Published Date
November 6, 2023
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I had such a great time chatting with Angela Ferrante from Laudable.

We swapped our favorite examples of companies using social proof in unique ways.

Here are three example we talked about:

Many of us have had/have a customer feedback portal or somewhere customers can submit feature requests. But how often do you let customers know when you actual ship those? Basecamp created a really cool video I’ll call “We hear you Ashley,” where their launch video starts by showing the real customer request. Not only does it give context behind why they made the feature, but it also makes Basecamp seem like a company that listens to their customers.

Liquid Death created an amazing piece of content out of what I’d call “anti-social proof.” They turned real negative comments and reviews on the internet into a “Greatest Hates Album.” An album of real songs playing that turn bi-time lemons into lemonade.

But the Notion example has to be my favorite. For many of their customer stories, they actually turn a customers’ playbook into an actual template. They not only show off their customer use cases, but use them as a way to onboard new users to their product.

Super smart.

Hope you enjoy the video, and a big thanks to the team at Laudable for having me.

#productmarketing #socialproof