
Klue's new Win-Loss Card

It’s not one person’s job to enable sellers with competitive insights and strategies. Peer-to-peer coaching is critical.

That’s why I’m pumped to share Klue's new Win-Loss Card — powered by our Salesforce integration.

There is so much potential for team collaboration on how to best approach competitive deals — what strategies help us win and what mistakes make us lose.

Win-Loss Cards give your sellers a real-time feed of your latest wins and losses against each competitor, so they can know who to turn to for help.

✅ Pull in any Opportunity field, like owner, company size, industry, and win-loss notes, so you have all the context you need around each deal.

✅ Include them in Battlecards and give your reps an internal map of who they can turn to for competitive strategies that worked, literally yesterday.

✅ Build multiple cards and filter each one to focus on specific deal characteristics, allowing you to build executive battlecards that break win-loss down by industry, segment, product line, and more.

#competitiveenablement #productmarketing #winloss #competitiveintelligence #salesenablement

PS. This is my first product release since joining the Klue team, so would love and appreciate any feedback, positive or constructive, on our messaging, landing page, creative, etc. 🙏
