
Klue’s Battlecard Button in Salesforce

What’s the most important Salesforce field to a product marketer or CI professional?

The “Competitor” field — a.k.a. Who are we competing against?

Why? 👇

  • It helps us prioritize the competitors we should focus on. Who we’re compared to most often and need to position against.
  • It helps us paint a picture of our competitive landscape for executives.
  • It gives us the data we need to measure the impact of our competitive enablement work

Without reliable competitor data in Salesforce, we’re running blind in many respects. And unfortunately, data integrity is a common challenge for most teams.

So what can you do about it?

Give your reps a compelling reason to fill it out 🥕

A great example is the Klue Battlecard Button 🔘

This is a feature in our Salesforce integration that reads the competitor field and gives your reps a shortcut to the specific battlecard they need.

  • It takes up minimal screen real-estate, so you can keep it on the primary tab
  • It now works on any Salesforce object, allowing SDRs, AEs, and CSMs to access battlecards from Opportunities, Accounts, Leads, etc.
  • It also now includes a new, second drop-down field to better handle situations where you have multiple battlecards for one competitor

You're not only making it easier for reps to access competitive messaging, you’re giving them a reason to provide better competitor data.

It’s a win-win….win situation.
