Itโ€™s the benefits inbetwen products

Itโ€™s the benefits inbetwen products

Published Date
June 6, 2024
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Jun 5, 2024 9:03 PM

Sometimes the biggest benefit of all-in-one platforms

Is the stuff between the products

Hereโ€™s an example ๐Ÿ‘‡

This week Chili Piper launched their all-in-one demand conversion platform.

They added two new products (ChiliCal and Chat) which means they now consolidate Form Routing, Chat, Lead Distribution, and Scheduling into one platform.

5 products in total.

But instead of focusing on the specific capabilities of each product, their launch messaging focused on the benefits of an all-in-one platform.

Cost โ†’ This is an obvious one in most cases. Consolidate under one vendor and save on subscription costs, maintenance, etc.

Consolidated Reporting โ†’ Marketing teams using Chili Piper can bring all of their conversion reporting into one place, which means less running around and more visibility across all of their marketing channels.

Shared Routing Logic โ†’ Routing rules can be confusing to setup and maintain. Now, multiply that by a handful of separate products ๐Ÿ˜ซ. By bringing all of these together, customers now only need to setup routing logic and users once. Like building blocks they can now pull into multiple different use cases.

๐Ÿ‘†ย The last two especially, are great examples of the stuff in-between products.

Benefits that often get overshadowed by individual product features โ†’ but can be massive differentiators.

#productmarketing #examples