
How we tried to position our G2 report better

Congrats, you’re a “leader” on G2 🥳

Should you stick the badge on your website a call it a day?

For some companies, it’s a quick way to validate your leadership in the market with social proof.

But for buyers, it’s not that helpful.

At Klue, we know G2 is a valuable stop along the buying process and we create an annual report to help make that process easier.

For you, it may be a deck, a blog post, a landing page, or maybe just a talk track for your sales team.

Here are three ways we try to package our G2 results into something useful for our buyers:

1️⃣ We’re up-front about our goals (and they aren’t just about us)

At the beginning of the report, we clearly state the purpose of the report.

It helps us position the report. Why it’s different and how it can help them.

In our latest report, we have three goals:

  • show buyers how to make better purchasing decisions using G2
  • show them why Klue is the best platform for them, according to G2 results
  • give them some ideas on how to use G2 to position their own product (this is specific to our buyer since many who purchase Klue are in product marketing)

2️⃣ We focus on “Why it Matters” (to the buyer)

Too many companies toss up their Leader badges and call it a day.

The fact you are a leader means very little to your buyer.

We consider it our job to explain why that leadership position matters. Why your buyer should care.

Also, super important here is to also highlight more than just the leadership grid. User Ratings and Momentum are also really valuable for buyers but often overlooked.

3️⃣ Let your customers do the talking

G2 is built on customer reviews. Real people talking about how your product helps them.

Almost every page in our report incorporates quotes and social proof from our customers.

We use their words to help explain why we’re a leader and support our claims about why that matters.

Again, we chose to turn our G2 results into an annual report, but you can still follow these tips to create a landing page, blog post, or deck.

It’s also valuable for your sellers to have this information, so they can better reference G2 when selling your product.

If you’re interested in checking out our report for inspiration, I’ve dropped a link in the comments. 👇

#productmarketing #marketing #positioning


Grab the report here 👉. https://go.klue.com/engage/g2-report