How to kill engagement on your Interactive Demo

How to kill engagement on your Interactive Demo

Published Date
January 9, 2024
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Here’s how to kill engagement on your Interactive Demos 📉

Put them way below the fold ⬇️ 😔

It makes no sense why a company would invest time in building interactive demos.

But then shove the CTA way down the page.

I assume you started building them because you believe it creates a better experience for your buyer.

So why hide it in a place where visitors only spend 20% of their time?

A study by Nielsen Norman Group found that “web users spend 80% of their time looking at information above the page fold. Although users do scroll, they allocate only 20% of their attention to below the fold.”

And Navattic’s State of Interactive Demos Report agrees.

I got an early preview of their 2024 report, coming this month.

They analyzed over 18,000 demos built on their platform.

Of their top 1% — the ones converting at 32%.

84% placed their CTA above the fold ⬆️

12.36% put it mid-page.

3.37% put it at the bottom.

So next time you’re building an interactive demo:

Embed it above the fold (or close to it),

Place your CTA above the fold,

Or put a CTA in your navbar.

Here are a few more ways to kill your engagement, based on Navattic’s report:

° Make long, wordy demos. 20+ steps. ⏳

° Use complex, impersonal language 🤷‍♂️

° Gate your demos 🛑

Stay tuned for Navattic’s full report launching in Jan.

And If you want early access, just ask below!

#productmarketing #interactivedemos