
Here’s how to summarize an analyst report for your company

Published Date
January 17, 2022
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Created time
Oct 2, 2022 2:14 AM

Who’s guilty of dropping analyst reports in Slack and calling it a day?

Just me? 🤦‍♂️

Market intel is useless in its raw form. It needs to be wrapped in context. Broken down into actionable takeaways that a person in your company can use.

No one has time to read a 25-page report and make sense of the info. That’s your job as a #productmarketer


So here’s what I’m doing now:

✅ Take an hour to study and understand the report. Look for key themes or insights (max 3-5 that are relevant to your company) and grab screenshots of juicy quotes or graphics.

✅ Create a deck summarizing your key insights. A slide for each. Just short bullets and supporting screenshots. Don’t just regurgitate what was in the report. Frame it around your business.

✅ [Optional]: We use Klue to keep track of insights around our market, so I’ll create a Klue Card for each insight. That keeps them centralized with everything else we know about our category.

✅ Record a short video walk-through. It allows you to add extra commentary and saves you having to wedge yourself into an all-hands sales meeting.

✅ Add one slide to the front of your deck titled “If you take anything from this report:” and summarize, even further, the key takeaways your team should know.

✅ Now you can post your message in Slack, send a company-wide email, whatever you do, with links to your content. But drop your summary directly into the message.

The result?

⚡️ People actually read it.

⚡️ They’re more informed. After all, you’ve armed them with insights vs making them read a report (which they won’t do).

⚡️ They appreciate it (and you) much more.

⚡️ They add to it. They start to contribute their own context and ideas around how this information might impact their specific department or role. It’s a beautiful thing.

How are you making market intelligence (like analyst reports) more valuable for your team?

#marketintelligence #strategy #analysts #analystrelations #salesenablement #enablement