
Help vs do - you don’t need to create every slide on your own

Don’t assume that every new slide or piece of collateral needs to be created by your #productmarketing team.

I’ve learned that it’s impossible to stay on top of every request, even the ones worth pursuing. You’ll always become a bottleneck.

But you also have a ton of talented sellers and CSMs out there who are already creating collateral without you knowing. Instead of poo-pooing things like “rogue slides,” I’m trying to focus that energy on helping reps create higher-quality content.

Just last week, I had a rep reach out to me with a slide concept he was working on for a prospect presentation. Knowing that I didn’t have time to work on the slide myself, I took 2 minutes to record a quick video and shared my feedback on some simple ways he could improve it.

He came back later that day with something perfect.

I could have pushed it off and assumed that the only course of action was to work on it myself, at some point in the future.

But in a couple of minutes I was able to help him create a slide we can now add to our master slide toolkit.

So what am I taking from this?

  • Don’t assume that every new slide (or piece of collateral) needs to be created by my team.
  • A quick 2-minute feedback video is much quicker, and more scalable than working on every slide myself.
  • Enable reps with blank templates and guardrails to help them create their own slides that match our brand guidelines.

That last one is next on my list 👆