
Creating a PMM Department Charter

Newsflash. There are still people and departments in your company that don’t know what #productmarketing does.

Creating a PMM department charter can help. Here’s how to do it, plus an example in the comments to help you get started.

To start, what is a Product Marketing Charter?

It’s an internal tool you can use to create better alignment between product marketing and the other departments you work with.

It's a document that helps answer questions like:

  • What is product marketing?
  • What does product marketing do?
  • How do I work with product marketing?

At Klue, our #pmm department charter contains a few key things:

Our mission - our high-level why within the team. How to sum up what our objective is within the organization and what we do.

Our team - who’s on the team, and what are we each responsible for (at a high level since there will always be some overlap).

Our wheelhouse - this is the meatiest part of the document that we use to define which functions in the business are owned by product marketing. This is where we define the things we drive, our top priorities, vs the things we support.

When creating our charter, we started with a ‘listening tour’. Julien Sauvage shared a great post about this last week where he listed the 10 people you should be speaking with inside and outside of your company. I'll link it in the comments.

The point of this listening tour is to better understand the different departments within your company, how you work together, and how product marketing can deliver value.

These are all important inputs you can use to build your charter.

To help you get started, I’ve included a copy of ours in the comments and inspiration. 👇

Once you’ve created your charter, the next step is presenting it across your organization. This means going back to those internal stakeholders and presenting it back to them.

That process provided so much clarity and valuable discussions around how we work cross-functionally. It also gave us an opportunity to refine the document after each meeting. 💪

Is our charter all-encompassing or the perfect fit for you? Probably not. But it’s been a great tool for us to better understand our role and communicate that with others, so hopefully it can give you a great starting point.

#productmarketing #bestadvice #marketing
