Churn FM Podcast

Churn FM Podcast

Published Date
July 11, 2024
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Created time
Jul 11, 2024 1:41 AM

PMMs are your first defense at preventing churn.

And no — that does NOT mean building a deck to try and save a churning customer.

I joined

Andrew Michael

on the


podcast to discuss how positioning, messaging, and buyer enablement can drive customer success and reduce churn.

Listen here →

For the most part, customer retention relies on a couple of things:

👉 Setting clear, truthful expectations about what your product can do, who it's for, and the value it delivers.

👉 Making sure you deliver on that promise.

The first one sits directly in the product marketing wheelhouse.

It’s our job to take complex products and distill them down to messaging, demos, and images that are easy for people to understand. If we overpromise or somehow misrepresent our product, that’s when churn happens.

So, what can we do as product marketers to reduce churn?

1️⃣ Know your target customer. In many cases, churn comes down to poor product-market fit. The more clear and specific you can get around landing your ideal customer, the more likely they are to stick around.

2️⃣ Put clear positioning and messaging on your website. Make it easy for buyers to quickly understand your product capabilities, who it’s for, and what realistic benefits they can expect. This includes a clear ROI story.

3️⃣ Show your product. Make it easy for buyers to get behind the wheel without having to jump through hoops. Use videos, gifs, and interactive demos. For example, Trainual used


demos to drive a +450% increase in free trial signups.

4️⃣ Support your claims with social proof. Help buyers understand how people and companies like them have been successful with your product. Platforms like


make it easy to consistently capture customer feedback and produce evidence-backed content and stats.

5️⃣ Enable your sellers with all four. This could be sales reps, partners, account managers, anyone selling your product. The point is to enable them with clear messaging, product demos, and social proof to set realistic expectations up front.

If you do these things effectively, you’ve done your part to minimize churn.

Go listen to the latest episode of CHURNFM to learn more.