Buried Wins - Research to revenue Report

Buried Wins - Research to revenue Report

Published Date
March 5, 2024
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Mar 4, 2024 5:00 PM

“Build a list of 50 customers you WISH you had”

Not exactly how you’d expect a win-loss program to start.

Which is what makes this approach unique👇

Back in June 2023, Drew Giovannoli left his VP Marketing job and started a bootstrapped Win/Loss agency called Buried Wins.

After landing his first client, he quickly learned one universal truth.

It’s hard to get businesses on the phone 😅

Especially the ones that chose NOT to buy your product.

The solution?

Try talking to businesses that your company lost, but never actually spoke to. AKA businesses using your competitors.

Still hard to get on the phone, but WAY more of them out there.

So Drew changed up his approach.

Now, he gets way more information about the competitive marketplace and understands why companies weren’t considered in the first place. Not a substitute for traditional win-loss, but a great compliment.

And he’s mapped out the process in what he’s calling the “Research to Revenue Cheat Sheet”

Grab it for FREE here → https://buriedwins.com/research-to-revenue/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=jasonoakley-

#winloss #research #productmarketing