
Be the connector to make great messaging happen

As a product marketer, do you struggle with self-doubt when others come up with better messaging ideas?

Reframe your thinking 👇

I was on a call with a group of product marketers this week and one of them asked me this question 👇

How do you handle not always being the one to deliver the silver-bullet messaging?

Or when other people (from sales, for example) come up with the best way to frame a new feature, value prop, or concept instead of you.

Do you feel like you’re not doing your job?

To be honest, I do still sometimes feel this.

But a lot less than I used to.

The difference is reframing my job from being the person who has all the great messaging ideas to being the person who brings the right people together, asks the right questions, and gathers the ideas. I’m the connector.

It doesn’t always have to come from my mouth.

Realizing that will save you a lot of stress and time spent staring at a blank page trying to summon the perfect words on your own.

What do you think?