
Announcing our Klue Category Narrative Webinar

Working on your company or category #narrative?

Next week, I’ll be hopping on LinkedIn Live to talk about how we’re building a category narrative at Klue.

Link to register is in the comments 👇

This session won't be a product pitch. Instead, I'll be lifting the hood and talking about:

  • Why we chose to build a new category
  • How we think about category narrative vs company narrative
  • The process we went through to create our narrative
  • How we validated it both internally and externally
  • How we delivered it internally and train our teams
  • How we’re bringing it to market
  • And all the lessons learned along the way

In my career I’ve had the opportunity to work on a few different category narratives, but I don’t consider myself an expert.

That’s why this session is more focused on **showing** our approach at Klue.

If you're building a category or trying to redefine an existing one, you’ll hopefully see a few things you can take back to your team and implement.

Interested? Register using the link in the comments 👇

#productmarketing #category #positioning #marketing



Click here to register 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/events/underthehood-howklueisbuildinga6929406052824186882/