A classic Google Slides tip I always keep coming back to

A classic Google Slides tip I always keep coming back to

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June 28, 2024
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Jun 28, 2024 10:14 AM

A classic Google Slide tip

The best way to make a logo (or anything) WHITE ⬜️

Is there an AI feature for this yet?

Note: this works on anything with a transparent background. So you first need to:

1️⃣ Search for a logo on Google Images like you typically would, with “[Company Name] logo”

2️⃣ Click the “Tools” link located under the search field.

3️⃣ Click “Color” from the menu and select “Transparent” from the dropdown.

Now, here’s my favourite way to turn any logo white, without fail:

1️⃣ Select the logo

2️⃣ Click on “Format” in the toolbar

3️⃣ Click on “Adjustments” in the drop down

4️⃣ Move the “Brightness” slider to 100% (all the way to the right)

That’s it 👍

A lot of people mess around with the “Recolor” option, but I find that to be hit or miss. Brightness to 100% works every time for me.