Trainual and Capsule back up their marketing claims with proof

Trainual and Capsule back up their marketing claims with proof

Published Date
July 2, 2024
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Created time
Jul 2, 2024 10:05 AM

Too many marketing claims lack proof ✅

Which is why competitive comparisons and ROI calculators make our bullsh!t meters go off 🚨🚨🚨

Here are two examples of companies using proof to make their claims more believable (and earn trust in the process.)

1️⃣ Trainual provides a “How we calculate savings” link on their ROI calculator. When clicked, it opens a pop-up with simple language explaining their math, what plans it applies to, etc.

2️⃣ On Capsule’s website, they claim to help you create videos 10x faster than other tools. But they also include a video where they benchmark creating a video in their tool vs four of their main competitors. S/o to Matt Reeves for sharing this great example.

Are any of these examples rock-solid proof. Not necessarily. But they definitely go a step further to enable buyers with more information they can use to make an informed decision.

So ask yourself, what claims are you making on your website that you could use a little proof?